My Engagement Day #anzmsz

I have said this many time, I met many different types of guys. In my campus
especially, you know in engineering course; I can only count the girls
with my fingers. And same goes to social network, OMG. Many handsome
men HAHA. But you know, I SWEAR, with him I feel complete, I feel like
I can accomplish everything. I can sleep in the night and wake up early in the
morning and what I try to say is that; with him I live like a human. Seriously ^^

I really love that person and I learn to wait. I wait for him because HONESTLY
I don't want anyone else. Maybe we are not meant to be together for today but
I believe this; we are meant to be in the FUTURE. and yet, my dream COMES REAL.
Thanks ALLAH, thanks everybody who prays FOR US. We got engaged and now
counting the days to get MARRIED.

1 comment:

dariilhamkehati said... Reply To This Comment

tahniah, ramai dah nih yang nak berumah tangga nih, hehehe ~

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