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done follow & like as required by terms & condition of d contest =)
Sumtimes she always giving me advices urhh malasnye nk dgar ceramah hihi.
When she's in a bad mood, my body trembled as I saw her mcm nmpak the hulk jer.
But u know, she brings joy, keep me warm, when I'm sad, sumthing bad happened,
I'll be alright no matter what bcoz I knew I've someone on my side. She's my BFF++!

time ni b4 pegy clazz, sempat posing seminit kn? ^^

dlm workshop tgh running machine CNC Lathe for final year project.

jamuan hari raya 2011 kat universiti. rindu separuh mati =) pengsan kejap~
Tag :
TQ join... Good luck k =)
kawan sampai mati ni
hello hello...We share same birthday la..Hihi..
ouh, geng la kite =). I've 2 other friends yg same bzday n my twin.
Kunjungan balas sini dari segmen yang sama. Follow u back oledy. =)
atototo, omeeey nye kamu :)
dari segmen same. jalan-2 kat sini
Salam. wah black and white laaa. heeh
thnks vsit ma blog
gud luck jugak..:)
Follow awk jugak =)
dtg sini^^ jom melawat kite plk .
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